Monday, July 14, 2008

"He's just Chilling"

The internet is full of crap, right? Well, every once in a while you stumble upon something (or, more accurately, a buddy sends you something) that actually makes you go, 'hmmm' and/or 'hahaha' and/or 'what? whoa!'.
And this video below is no exception.
The car changing lanes a few feet behind the 'subject', the running dialogue of the passengers, and the incredible arrival of the BEST truck, and best passengers of said truck, I've ever seen at the 0:45 mark, make this one of the best clips I've seen on interwebs since, well, uh, Afroninja?

Bingo Bango Bongo and I bring you, "He's just chilling."

(for the love of all that is good and holy in this cyber-world, drop me a damn comment - sheesh!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was on a freeway this weekend where a couple of the lanes were blocked, just stopped, and sitting there were dozens if not a hundred motorcycles. Traffic was backing up like crazy but they too were just chilling. No cops, no way to start a race since it was the middle of traffic...totally surreal. Definitely not as cool as that guy.