Thursday, December 4, 2008

Ebeneezer and the Ghost

A touching, poignant, and socially relevant of the Christmas spirit as recounted by Pickley... It's the tale of an old miser who is visited by some ghosts on christmas night - oh, just click the vid!

(warning, may be too scary for youngsters.... ghosts, you know)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Biden vs. Palin

Now, I don't mean to get all political on yo' ass, but I just had to share this clip with the many, many netizens of

Believe me, it is not my place, my forte nor my intention to discuss politics on this, or any other site for that matter - All I'm doing it posting a video that I found to be fascinating... very, very fascinating.

I invite your comments.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Good music

Good music lives here. Trust me

Thursday, August 14, 2008

This is Halloween!

With Halloween practically upon us, I thought, "what better way to prepare for the arrival of the Grand Wizard than this?"

Monday, July 28, 2008

Duckfacebook is the most awesome, and least understood, phenomenon sweeping the World Wide Interweb.

OK, I know it's killing you... What the eff is duckfacebook? Well, I can try to explain but I think it will become more clear with some of the photographic evidence I have compiled, as well as with some of your own experiences on those social websites like facebook.

Duckface is the inexplicable practice of girls mangling up their faces to resemble a duck, holding the camera at some awkward angle from their face, snappling a pic, then posting it for the entire facebook community to see/mock. Sometimes these girls have their freidns take the pic but often it is self-taken (thus adding to its mysteriousness).

Funny, it doesn't sound like anything worth writing about when I see it explained in black in white, but believe you me, you will be singing a different tune once you see photographic proof. Sometimes a picture is worth more than a thousand words, sometimes a picture is worth a thousand x thousand words.

Oh, one more thing (and please, please, please, please don't ask me to explain this one - no explanation will ever be possible), duckface achieves an even greater level of wickedly awesomeness when coupled with some sort of a dope gang hand-sign. I mean, honestly, what could possibly be more awesomely gangster than a bunch of duck-faced suburbanite girls flashing the gang sign of their ultra-dope gang?!?!?!

So, with no further adieu, I bring you But first, to add to the fun, I suggest that when you're finished with this afticle you take a minute to peruse your 'friends' profile pages and share some of your duckiest-faciest friends with the rest of us. OK, here we go:

Numero Uno:

Exhibit A above. This duckface is exhibiting all of the classic symptoms...
1. Picture is self-taken
2. Camera is at an angle slightly above the right shoulder
3. Face is contorted to a deformed state
4. Gang sign being flashed by left hand (cut off from view, no doubt, to protect the integrity of her super-sick gang).

Numero Duo:

This duckface doesn't have all the symptoms, but there are some real beauties of note...
1. Picture is sefl-taken
2. That face is mangled beyond all recognition. Almost completely surpassing what could reasonably considered a 'duck' face and becoming, oh I don't know, a duck-billed palatapus face?
3. Lips are pursed like said duckfacee has just enjoyed eating 756,000 lemons at once.

Numero Trex:

All the classic symptoms:

1. self-taken pic
2. gang sign (obviously some super-sick gang)
3. Face contortion

Numbrero Quatro:


1. self-taken
2. duck-like face
3. super-gangster gang sign

So, there's your little laste of the world of duckfacebook. I guarantee you will now find 85,000 duckfaces on facebook, possibly among your 5.9 million 'friends' who you never talk to.

I know I have missed some awesome once, so I invite my fellow netizens to feel free to contact me with any duckfaces you'd like shared and analyzed. I warn you, don't try to analyze these on your own, we at Nizzleville are experienced professionals.

Please post pics, comments or picomments below... and until next time, "you stay quacky san diego"

Friday, July 25, 2008


Here's one from the WTF file. I don't have time to comment in-depthly on this one, but give the link below a read and enjoy. As always, comments are welcome. "Fish and Chips", if you're out there, please drop me a line... it's been too long.

Click below:

Click me, I am the link. Please click the link (me)!!!.

Click above

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Feist on Sesame Street

I can never pass an opportunity to celebrate the success of a fellow member of my home and native land, and this video of Feist kicking off the 39th season of Sesame Street qualifies.
The past 12 months have seen Feist win several Juno awards, appear on Jimmy Kimmel, SNL, Letterman, Colbert Report, lend her voice to the iPod mini commercial, and provided to 'theme music' to the announcement of Bell's new Lightbox Film Festival Tower before every film screened at the Toronto International Film Festival.
And, here, as the cherry on top.... Feist performing "1-2-3-4" on Sesame Street.

... And a 1, 2, 3 ,4:

Monday, July 14, 2008

"He's just Chilling"

The internet is full of crap, right? Well, every once in a while you stumble upon something (or, more accurately, a buddy sends you something) that actually makes you go, 'hmmm' and/or 'hahaha' and/or 'what? whoa!'.
And this video below is no exception.
The car changing lanes a few feet behind the 'subject', the running dialogue of the passengers, and the incredible arrival of the BEST truck, and best passengers of said truck, I've ever seen at the 0:45 mark, make this one of the best clips I've seen on interwebs since, well, uh, Afroninja?

Bingo Bango Bongo and I bring you, "He's just chilling."

(for the love of all that is good and holy in this cyber-world, drop me a damn comment - sheesh!)

Friday, July 11, 2008

Happy Friday

Here at Nizzleville we've been calling this clip "the rattled cage". We're quite confident that it's self-explanatory but just couldn't resist adding a 2 cents or two.

This video clip encapsulates all that is beautiful in the world. Tight pants, frilly sleeves on a preposterous shirt and a 'kick too high'. The gentleman flails about the stage will all the grace of a swan, high-kicking his way into HIStory. His awesome '720' on his ass is probably the best piece of choreography we have ever seen.
Finally, in attempt to prove just how Manly he is he rocks the, now infamous, "kick to high", much to the chagrin of his fragile skull.

So with no further ado, we bring you "the kick too high" / "the rattled cage". Enjoy and happy "Friday the 13th" (which it is not).

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Fourth of July!

and you expected some 2-dimensional flag jpeg like the Canadian one below... Well, enjoy this piece of eye cake... and enjoy Independence Day, yo.

Now go celebrate your country's independence by blowing up a small piece of it.


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A Gift From Heaven Above

You know how you never forget where you were when something happened in your life that you later realized changed the way you viewed the world? Regardless of how old or young you are/were you know that things will just never be the same. Well, I recently had one of those moments and I now know that my life will never be the same - the way I view the world has changed forever.

I am speaking, of course, of my recent discovery of the best text-to-speech website ever... I was reading one of my favorite blogs (X-Entertainment) when Matt used this site to teach us all how to pronounce some random actor's name from the film Congo. Upon my arrival at this site I knew that my life had been altered, permanently.

Quickly I scrambled to see what I could make the translator robot say (oh, did I fail to mention that there's a little dude's head who says anything you type?) OK, so it's the furthest thing from being anything that could even loosely be considered cutting edge, but I love it and I know you will to.

So, the first thing I did, obviously, was make my new, perfectly coiffed friend say (what else?), "Boonie, boonie, boonie" about 20 times which, much to my delight sounds exactly like this. WOW!!! It truly is the most beautiful thing I've ever heard/seen. But what happened next is, well, indescribable, in fact it's so indescribable I'm not even going to try:

Italian!!! In my wildest dreams I could have never imagine that "Boonie" would give me so much delight when being spoke quickly, by a cyber-face that can only be described as looking like unbathed Kramer rocking some Richard Greeco circa 1988 coiffure.

Korean! Are you kidding me? There's no 'p' in 'boonie', but apparently in Korea my good pal Boonie would be called "Poonie"!! Unpelievaple !


et, oui, aussi dans la language d'amour. Brilliant! I mean, honestly, what could be more fun than a Chris Cocker wannabe with a french accent chanting everyone's favorite word over and over again - it practically sounds like a chant you'd hear at one of those crazy european football (i.e. soccer) matches.

If you've managed to get this far I commend you, however I have a hunch that most of you got distracted with the text-to-speech and never bothered returning to read the exciting conclusion to this article - and I don't blame you.

Anyway, if anyone actually reads this line, please send me a note below and I'll see to it that you're sent a "Free Admission" pass to the CN Tower from 1984 - the same ones that stayed on my father's dresser since that March Break back in 1984 where we never made it to the, then, word's tallest free-standing structure... "Free standing structure"? What's up with that anyway? What the hell's a free-standing structure????? Oh well, with over 900 towers currently being erected in DuBai that are on average 8,000 feet taller than the CN Tower, I think I'm beating a bit of a dead horse here, or dead tower as the case may be.

Until next time, netizens, fare ye well !

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy Canada Day!

"... Our home and native land... "

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Here we go again, again... again

"Greetings from the Humongous. Lord Humongous. The warrior of the wasteland, the ayatollah of rock'n'rolla" (A small but meaningful prize to whichever of my beloved netizens correctly identifies where what quotation is from - hint, not Ghandi)... but I digress.

Welcome to the 3rd hosting home of and, man, are we happy to be here! became such a nightmare- always crashing our computers, reformatting our text, and just being an all around pain in the fanny that our staff threatened to walk off the cyber-job if we didn't make some sweeping changes. Needless to say we've walked from Google which has sparked the obvious legal battle, but (owing to the success of our advertisements and the sheer volume of daily visitors) our pockets are deeper than their's... unfortunately our pockets are empty, but regardless we don't forsee a very lengthy legal battle.

So this is our new site and we think it's pretty dope, she's quite a bit different than the blogs that all of your friends and family have, eh. Yup, she's a beauty? Anyway, obviously it's in its very early stages as we work out all the bugs, but what we have noticed is that in 30 seconds with this new blog site we've accomplished what would have taken us 42 days at so we're happy.

I think this new site allows you to post comments, so I invite you to please do so. However, if you find this site running slowly, please just wait a few minutes to post as it's likely just our servers overloading because of all the netizens visiting at once.

As always, please check back often and feel free to click around, you never know where one of these links will take you... ooo eeee oooo eeeeooo eeeooooooo (x-files music)....